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So what happens if you are dissatisfied with us?

Hopefully, this won’t be the case, but should you be dissatisfied with the advice we have given you or with the service provided, you should firstly register a formal complaint with us, by either writing to the Compliance Officer at the company address or by ringing us and speaking with the Compliance Officer or a Director. We will then provide you with details of the complaint investigation process and investigate your complaint thoroughly. Finally, we will write to you to explain our findings.


Furthermore, individuals and small businesses are protected by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

If you are dissatisfied with the way that we have dealt with your complaint or with our findings, you may refer the matter to the FOS, an independent arbitrator.

Should you be entitled to compensation and we are unable to pay the compensation due, you may be entitled to a payment from the FSCS. Broadly speaking, most types of investment business are covered up to a maximum limit of £85,000.

The compensation limits are complicated so if you are concerned in any way, please ask us for more information. Alternatively, you can contact the FSCS directly.

Please note that if you are not an individual, you may not have a right to refer your case to FOS and FSCS. Again, the rules are complicated and depend on factors such as your turnover, the number of employees you have and the value of your business.

If in doubt, you should seek more information from us, the FOS or the FSCS .

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